Annual Review Of Competency Progression (ARCP)
Annual Review Of Competency Progression (ARCP) For Doctor in Training in Health Education England (HEE)
ARCP panel Outcomes:
Outcome 1 : Satisfactory Progress
Outcome 2 : Development of specific competencies required - additional training time not required.
Outcome 3 : Inadequate Progress - additional training time required.
Outcome 4 : Released from training.
Outcome 5: Incomplete evidence presented.
Outcome 6: Gained all required competences - will be recommended as having completed the training programme and for award of a CCT
Outcome 8 : Out of Programme (career break, sick leave, maternity etc.)
Interim Outcomes 10.1 and 10.2: to account for trainees who have had disruption to their training due to Covid and/or may need an extension to their training.
Taken from :// Accessed : 5/3/2022.
Education Supervisor Review
You will meet with your Education Supervisor (ES) at the 6 month point of your training year and together review your progress since your most recent Education Supervisor Review (ESR), and the training requirements which will need to be completed before your next annual ESR. (It is recognised ST1 trainees will not have a previous ESR).
The ES should ensure that there is evidence of appropriate progression in each of the capabilities across the clinical experience groups appropriate to your placements and stage of training.
The Interim ESR is a formative process to support you and to try and ensure you are on track to achieve ‘satisfactory progress’ at your next ARCP.
ARCP Process through the training year (including roles and responsibilities)
Useful link:
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