UK Practical Driving Test and My Experience
Driving Acronym and Driving Tips Personal Experience and advice - I booked around 30 to 40hours of practical class ( I want to drive a manual), which include a 3mocks exam - I called to book a mock exam with other instructors, but none of them willing to take me. ( reason given: go with your own instructor). - Book 10-20hours at once with the same instructor could save you money, as often they give discounts. -As an experienced driver, get an exam date first. I will advise go to an intensive class just the week before your exam date. (After covid, the booking date for the driving practice test could be backlogged up to 3-4months time). - Contact your denary or employer, if you are in need to drive for your work . Some of the denary to help to contact DVSA to get an early slot/date. This can help avoid you from purchasing 'booking apps' for it. - Book the exam place according to where you ...